what is it?
Spinal Traction or Decompression therapy is a non-surgical, highly effective, low risk solution for disc related lower back and neck pain. Decompression therapy is a safe and comfortable therapy available for a variety of spinal conditions
Decompression Therapy is a non-manipulation procedure that treats disabling low back, neck, radiating leg & arm pain, and headaches. Decompression Therapy can relieve the pain associated with disc herniation, degenerative discs, posterior facet, and other spinal related syndromes, by reducing the pressure on spinal discs and facet joints through unloading the disc, this is achieved by distraction (traction) and patient positioning.
Through Decompression Therapy we aim to alleviate symptoms by relieving pressure on the nerve root, spinal cord, and blood vessels, and by stabilising the spine.
Our additional therapies have been researched for their synergistic effect to enhance the healing process and provide pain relief that would otherwise prevent most people from retaining an active lifestyle.
spine disc
decompression therapy
Dr Stefan Billing
B.Sc, B. Chiro, PGDip Clin.NeuroSci., DACNB
is an experienced and skilled practitioner in treating disc bulge patients with 21 years of knowledge and thousands of patients treated.
Dr Billing (D.C) and our own Dr Ivan Ranwell (D.C) are the only two Kennedy Decompression Technique (KTD) certified practitioners in the South Island offering the Spinal Neuroflex decompression table therapy.
back or neck pain research
Research to develop this procedure was conducted by prominent physicians, engineers and technicians at major teaching hospitals. (See the research tab)
One study documented by MRI up to 90% reduction of disc herniations in 10 of 14 cases and other studies reported that the majority of herniated disc patients achieved "good" to "excellent" results after spinal decompression therapy
"Serial MRI of 20 patients treated with the decompression table shows in our study up to 90% reduction of subligamentous nucleus herniation in 71.4% of patients (10 of 14 subjects). Some re-hydration occurs detected by T2 and proton density signal increase. Torn annulus repair is seen in all." Eyerman, Edward MD. Journal of Neuroimaging. Paper presented to the American Society of Neuroimaging, Orlando , Florida.
summary of study
Subjects Condition
Herniated Discs
Degenerated Discs
Torn Annulus
Prior to Treatment
Pain in back and down the leg
Numbness in legs
17-Week Protocol
36 treatments
Force of Pull = 50% body weight plus/minus 5 kgs
Force alternated with 30 seconds of relaxation to max (% body wight).
Post Treatment
Over 90% reduction of nucleus herniation in 71% of patients
Torn annulus repair is seen in all
Virtually all subjects have sufficient relief of pain to return to work.
71% had significant pain relief and complete relief of weakness
90%+ had numbness in the leg disappear
86% had “good” to “excellent” relief of Sciatic and back pain
28% had rapid relief in as few as 3 treatments
85% improved clinically
Only 6% recurrence rate at 1 year

The outcomes of vertebral axial decompression (VAX-D) therapy for patients with low back pain from various causes are reported. Data was collected from twenty-two medical centers for patients who received VAX-D therapy for low back pain.....
The treatment was successful in 71% of the 778 cases, when success was defined as a reduction in pain to 0 or 1, on a 0 to 5 scale. Improvements in mobility and activities of daily living correlated strongly with pain reduction. Reference
A new decompression table system applying fifteen 60 second tractions of just over one-half body weight in twenty one-half hour sessions was reported to give good or excellent relief of sciatic and back pain in 86% of 14 patients with herniated discs and 75% of patients with facet joint arthrosis. (Shealy, C.N.,Borgmeyer, V., AMJ. Pain Management 1997,7:63-65)
is it right for you?
Decompression Therapy is a treatment for patients suffering:
degenerative, or
ruptured discs
as well as radiculopathy eg; sciatica, pins and needles, carpal tunnel syndrome, and many failed back surgery cases.
Decompression Therapy begins with a series of sessions, typically 3-4 times per week. Each session is approximately 20 minutes. During each session, electrical muscle stimulation, vibration, or therapeutic laser may be applied to help relax muscles and promote further healing of injured tissue.
Over 71% of patients experienced at least a 25% decrease in size. Over 40% experienced a decrease of 55% or greater. Reference
After treatment, your doctor may prescribe specific exercises designed to help you regain proper control and strength of the stabilization muscles which can help create long-term benefits. Decompression Therapy is administered to patients fully clothed either face down or face up on the table.
Read more in an excellent article on Spinal Decompression

about decompression therapy
Kennedy Decompression Technique – Neuraflex animations

Treatment Videos
Clinical studies suggest Decompression Therapy provides a majority of qualified candidates with initial relief within just a few sessions of decompression which is designed to alleviate symptoms by relieving pressure on the nerve root, spinal cord, and blood vessels, and by stabilising the spine
Decompression Therapy is an FDA approved procedure. That some of the costs may be covered by some insurance companies (check with your provider). This researched, non-surgical approach could help you find the pain relief you need.
For more information on how you can benefit from Decompression Therapy call our office today!
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